Boot camp by Yellow Pages at the city Hall on social media m,arkettiung - image by sheerazwania


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Boot Camp on Web Presence and Digital Marketing


I attended a boot camp yesterday on web presence and digital marketing, by the way a really good one for anyone in the business of web design, branding and marketing, or if you are a small business owner dappling on your own into these arenas.  It was informative and added value to my knowledge for sure.

But what blew me away were some of the stats shared with us by the official from Yellow Pages [] and these stats alone, without going into the nitty gritty of why going digital is crucial, can help small business understand and bring about the right focus to their digital strategy.


  • As a start 89% of Canadians are connected to the Internet and Canada is one of the most wired countries in the world.
  • 30% of Canadian population spend more than two hours a day consuming videos.
  • As far as Google is concerned, you want to be on their page 1 and hence SEO is not something you should overlook. 95% of the people who search on Google stay on page 1., 45% go to page 2 and only a meagre 0.5% reach page 3, which is hence called the ‘black hole’.
  • 95% of Google’s revenue comes from advertising so paid ads and in their favour and showing up organically on page 1 is not… think about this one!
  • 67% of the Canadian market uses Google as its search engine as compared to 33% that uses Yahoo & Bing.


And now For Facebook…. That we all love….

  • 23 Million Canadians are on Facebook [the population of Canada is 36 million].
  • 25% of time spent on mobile applications is owned by the Facebook platform.
  • Facebook is a social leader for businesses and enjoy a 71% market monopoly.


And lastly… I love print and am a great supporter of print but …

  • $32.00 is required to reach a 100 people via print
  • $17.00 to reach a 100 people via radio
  • $2.50 to reach a 100 people via Google and other search engines
  • $00.25 to reach a 100 people via Facebook.

For me these stats are food for thought of how I as a someone who likes to holistically look at Brand and brand design [and not just design a logo] need to focus and strategize accordingly.  Ofcourse the dynamics would vary from business to business and nothing can be written in stone … but as Google states we cannot ignore the fact that we live in a ‘mobile first world’.

Most of these stats are peculiar to Canada, but gives us a picture of our world in general today.