CREATIVITY – It’s not all roses

Posted in: design, design education | 0

As someone in the ‘creative’ field, how many times have we been told, as a compliment, how creative we are, what a great idea that was, or how imaginative this or that is; and yes it’s great to be complimented. … Continued

My Experience: Developing and Teaching Online Courses

Posted in: design, design education, general | 0

I started a course in ‘Edupreneurship’ in 2019. Most people I spoke to about the same had never heard of the term or what it entailed. At the time and in relation to my future planning, what it offered seemed … Continued

Examining the Design History Course

Posted in: design, design education, general | 0

The need to think and act globally, the fact that our world is more interconnected than what we would like to think and the fact makes me want to say that we need to relook at the way we teach … Continued

DESIGN HISTORY: Globalisation and the Critical Thinking Process

Posted in: design, design education, general | 0

John Dewey (1910) introduced the term ‘critical thinking’ as the name of an educational goal, which he identified with a scientific attitude of mind. More commonly, he called the goal ‘reflective thought’, ‘reflective thinking’, ‘reflection’, or just ‘thought’ or ‘thinking’. []. … Continued