Rgd Conference 2017 sheerazwania eyes portraying perspective

RGD – Design Thinkers TO – 2017

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PART 3 of 3

The speakers at a conference make or break your experience? Probably yes, but I am also very interested in the print and paper stalls that are up for the event and the last two years saw a lot of those with some really amazing and exceptional tech advances in print. Who says print is dead? [http://lithub.com/why-the-printed-book-will-last-another-500-years/]

From augmented reality imbeds [www.domtar.com, www.sappi.com/], to a print shop encouraging three artists/designers/design house to bring on their take on ‘counter culture’ [www.spark.graphics], to an amazing Japanese paper warehouse [www.japnesepaperplace.comn] it was all a real treat for the paper and print geek in me.



Collecting paper and print samples, getting some amazing teaching resources and at the end of the day winning the 100$ gift voucher for Japanese paper was the icing on my ‘conference’ cake.

Another great initiative I saw was the quarterly that was published by the Frontier Design Inc. a local design house here in Toronto [wwwq.frontier.is] ‘Frontier is a magazine about creativity & risk, risks people take to create something original and worthwhile.’ I picked up their issue on ‘STRESS’ and it has some great editorials from Rebranding Marijuana to Honeymoon in North Korea among some other rather interesting reads.

I love and hate such initiatives; love them because they get me thinking on so many levels, hate them because they get me thinking on way too many levels.