Brand Identity – AJG

Client: Abdul Jabbar Gull – Artist and Sculptor



Abdul Jabbar Gull is a famous sculptor/artist and art educationist from my home town of Pakistan.

When Jabbar asked me to design his brand/logo, it was an honour for me. I have known Jabbar for the past few years and have been closely aquatinted with his work and his no  nonsense personality. He needed an identity that did not pigeonhole him in any particular genre as he is a man of many talents and facets.

Knowing the person and his attitude and approach towards his profession is a definite plus when designing a brand identity for an individual.

The decision was to use a type based logo that has the flexibility to gel with the various characteristics of the artist himself, without being confining.

The colour orange corresponds well with many aspects of Jabbar’s personality;  enthusiasm, creativity, determination, balance and expression, and hence was an apt choice. Also the fact that Jabbar works a lot with wood and copper in his sculptures, the warmth of a deep orange correlates well with those mediums. 




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