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My journey with resin art started when a client wanted some of his pictures coated with this special treatment. At that point, back in 2015 I did not have much of an idea as to what that entailed. If you know me better, of course that got me curious. Doing some research online, I found a photographer who was teaching this technique. I decided to do weekend class with him and it all started with that. Since than I have done many resin coated images, with my own photography and for other clients too. I find the medium super therapeutic to work with, inspite of its very technical nature when it comes to the end result being smooth and bubble free.

The only downside of this material, for me, is that it requires a minimum of 20*C and above to cure well and since it’s better to handle it in good ventilation, I can only do so in my garage in good warm weather. This puts some limitations and constraints. For those who are not too familiar with the medium, epoxy resins are a two-component system consisting of resin and hardener. By mixing them together in exact proportions, a chemical reaction takes place so that the liquid resin gradually hardens to a solid, smooth, glossy coating.

From making arty fun jewellery for friends to large 24” X 36” mounts and tables, for clients and my Etsy shop it’s been an interesting ride! I learn something new with almost every pour I do, and yes, there have been some pieces that have also seen the bottom of the trash bin. But overall, it’s been fun from the actual pour itself to coming up with new artwork and product ideas.

Here is a video of me enjoying the therapeutic quality of the material.

To see and buy some of my resin prints while they are still available, and at a super sale price, go to my Etsy shop:

If you are looking to get some of your own images ‘resined’, contact me by clicking on the tab below:

Lets Chat 🙂