My current course on ‘Edupreneurship’

Posted in: design education, general | 0
[design] [design education]

My current course on ‘Edupreneurship’ is underway as I trudge [yes trudge] through the theories and concepts thrown at me.  As I become a student of sorts yet again and loving it, each time I do that I reflect back to how our students see and perceive the courses we teach.  I am concerned about how I will apply all those concepts in real life, I am concerned about connecting the dots, drawing parallels with what I know, what I teach and what I am learning. I am scrutinising the material and the entire process through multiple lenses, currently one of them being that of ‘Systems Thinking’ as that’s a course I teach and do think education is a ‘wicked’ problem, with no definite one solution and with multiple realities, concerns and needs. What we as educators can do is design the best intervention, and take action to improve the current situation and there is no one right way to do that.  It is important to keep at it and not become complacent.

In my 25+ years of experience, I may have evolved [and hopefully in a positive direction] but along the way as I learn and move forward I have many more questions, many more ideas and need to have many more discussions. I hope this course helps me to answer atleast a few of them and gives me much food for thought.