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Ikigai is a Japanese concept that essentially means ‘a reason for being’.

Made from two Japanese words: iki, meaning ‘life’ and kai, meaning ‘effect, result, worth or benefit’.

The current situation, where I am fortunate to still have my job has made me think on many levels. The situation warranted some serious looking into on how we deliver and this modus operandi has had a significant impact on the way we look at our jobs.

Working ‘remotely’ is the need for the day. It has always been something I wanted to look into, as a retirement plan. Ok maybe an ‘early’ 😉 retirement plan as I have forever wanted to combine my desire to explore the world with making some cash alongside.

I came across this concept of ‘Ikigai’, by chance during some research.

It was intriguing and I feel it will, in a way, be a continuous work in progress as I continue to build on it. The idea is to see the overlaps and realize your true potential.

Here is my mapping. It was fun and gave me a deeper understanding of my myself.

If you want a soft copy of the chart to fill, let me know. Will be happy to send it to you.