Posted in: design, design education, general | 0

Working on developing a new course or revising an aged one is always very invigorating for me. I feel truly blessed that I can be excited and I love doing what I do best.

Here is a start of a redesign for a Graphic Design 101 course….its a long way to go, as a course restructuring can take anything between 8-20 weeks, depending on the course, the stakeholders involvement and the timeline constraints we are up against.

Online instruction has brought with it some brand-new challenges but also great deal of opportunity. Doing what you did in an offline class and translating that to an online environment is not going to give you the needed results. Online instruction needs beyond just tweaking. It needs a more concerted approach and a relook at the learning objectives and modus operandi. Above all, it’s about taking the user which in this case is the student, into consideration and creating content that is flexible and engaging for the learner with the aspect of ‘active learning’ at its core. 

My experience with making courses UDL compliant have helped me with restructuring in these times, as we see ourselves thrown into this new stimulating future. I always start with a mind-map; a sketch that I initiate while I am in my first meeting. Next step that generally follows is more developed digital mapping for discussion and then gradually putting it all together in a comprehensive document that is ready to be used, depending on the requirement of each course and programme. 

If you are looking to get a course designed or re-designed, wether you are an institution or an individual, I am your person!