Examining the Design History Course

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The need to think and act globally, the fact that our world is more interconnected than what we would like to think and the fact makes me want to say that we need to relook at the way we teach … Continued

DESIGN HISTORY: Globalisation and the Critical Thinking Process

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John Dewey (1910) introduced the term ‘critical thinking’ as the name of an educational goal, which he identified with a scientific attitude of mind. More commonly, he called the goal ‘reflective thought’, ‘reflective thinking’, ‘reflection’, or just ‘thought’ or ‘thinking’. [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/critical-thinking/]. … Continued

LATERAL THINKING: Why we need it today

Posted in: design, design education, general | 0

In the past technological development replaced physical strength but off late it is replacing the way humans think. The computer algorithms happily take on the repetitive tasks. See the example of the Nutella labelling [https://www.dezeen.com/2017/06/01/algorithm-seven-million-different-jars-nutella-packaging-design] and this was way back … Continued

Information Vs. Knowledge: Our role as design educators in today’s world

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FIG:  The classification of educational objectives, known as Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, & Krathwohl, 1956] is one of the most recognized learning theories in the field of education. It helps educators create learning outcomes that target not only the ‘what’ but also … Continued