featured image for my blog post using a cropped & design collective logo by sheerazwania


Posted in: design education | 0

“…the assumption that a brand is just a look is fading, and finally people are beginning to realise that a brand is more a result. It’s the result of an organisation’s behaviour created by the entire community that an organisation relates to. More organisations today understand that all of these people are customers and all create the brand. Those that buy, those that lead and work for the organisation, those that invest in or supply the organisation and those that just walk by and see it in the corner of their eyes. This holistic understanding of what brands are, makes working with them more exciting when I consider my future in this field of endeavour.” — michael wolff

So well said, for me it brings together all that branding stands for.

The age old comment of can you just do a ‘small’ ‘simple’ logo for my new business? It can be just my name in any ‘nice’ font needs an overhaul in thinking and we as designers need to educate and inform, and that could include saying no to such uninformed requests and demands. Being proud of what we do is a good start and not short selling what we believe in is a great way to get the desired respect for the profession.


[https://formfiftyfive.com/features/what-are-you-excited-about-for-the-future-of-branding/] for some more interesting ideas and thoughts on branding.


Check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my branding projects.